Introducing Juan Rezzuto and the WKMT London Music Festival

Publish Date: 10 May 2024

Introducing Juan Rezzuto and the upcoming WKMT London Music Festival

This month we shine a light on two key live piano events, The WKMT London Music Festival, that takes place on the 11th of May at St. Cuthbert’s Church, showcasing their dedicated students. Following this, on the 17th of May, WKMT will initiate the first concert of their new concert series, featuring the WKMT founder Juan Rezzuto performing ‘A Fresh Take On Classical Legends’.

We had the opportunity to interview Juan Rezzuto revealing insights into his personal journey with music, the evolution of WKMT, one of London’s respected pianos schools, and his anticipation for the upcoming XII Piano Festival at St Cuthbert’s Church.

As a concert pianist and classical composer, what first intrigued you to want to play the piano and what was the first piece of music you ever composed?

That’s a challenging question to answer, as my initiation into the world of piano began when I was merely two and a half years old. It’s difficult to pinpoint a specific moment or reason due to the early start, making my entire memory one intertwined with the act of playing the piano.

As for my foray into composition, the first piece of significance that I crafted was at the tender age of 14. It was a piano arrangement of the Spanish traditional melody “Cancion del Pirata.” This work marked a meaningful step into the realm of music creation for me, blending my skills at the piano with the art of composition.

Since setting up WKMT it has become one of London’s largest piano practices. Has the piano school evolved as you envisaged?

Life indeed has its ways of surprising us, both aligning with and diverging from our expectations at times. The landscape of the world has shifted significantly from my childhood, through the inception of WKMT in 2010, to the present day. I take great joy in the accomplishments of our students and hold immense gratitude towards our dedicated teachers. I’m also deeply proud of our alumni and their achievements.

For someone like myself, who has yet to start a family, WKMT represents more than just a school; it embodies my life’s purpose. It offers a way to extend my influence and passion for music beyond my personal existence, hopefully leaving a lasting legacy that transcends time.

As an accomplished classical composer, already having composed music for orchestra’s, ballets, theatre and film, what do you look for in the students of WKMT?

My fondest aspiration is for our students to cultivate a profound appreciation for what I consider to be ‘objective and absolute’ beauty. As musicians, whether we’re performing or composing, our role is fundamentally to serve as conduits of beauty.

When it comes to the innate qualities I seek in our students, I value sensitivity and intellect above all. While talent is crucial, intelligence holds even greater importance for me.

I fully recognize that only a small fraction of our students will pursue careers as full-time performers or composers. Thus, my primary goal is to nurture individuals who are not only sensitive but also deeply appreciative of beauty, quality, and balance. It’s about enriching their lives and enhancing their appreciation for the world around them, making every experience more vibrant and fulfilling.

Since WKMT was formed, how many students have gone on to have successful careers as pianists and/or composer?

And have you ever discovered a WKMT student that you feel could become a world-renowned pianist and composer, that you feel will go on to be remembered for years to come?

Since our inception in 2010, we have had the privilege of guiding over 2400 students on their musical journeys. Answering your question about standout students is challenging due to the sheer number and diversity of their achievements. However, we’ve seen remarkable successes, including students who have furthered their studies in New York and others like Made Kuti, who has emerged as one of Nigeria’s most celebrated young musicians of this era. We’ve also had the honour of contributing to the training of individuals who participated as featured artists in the UK Olympics, alongside nurturing students who have excelled at the Royal College of Music (RCM) and claimed victories in Europe’s most prestigious piano competitions.

While I could have listed every name with pride 25 years ago, today, I choose to highlight Made Kuti, whose trust and talent we deeply cherish. His contributions to the Afrobeat genre are not only innovative but are sure to leave a lasting imprint on the musical landscape.

This May 11th, 2024, the prestigious WKMT XII London Piano Festivals, comes to the historic St Cuthbert’s Church in central London, celebrating classical piano and the enduring beauty and complexity of piano music, brought to life by the vibrant talent of WKMT students.  

As one of the most anticipated events in the UK’s classical music calendar, the festival promises an immersive experience for pianists, music lovers, and cultural enthusiasts alike.

What inspired you to create and launch the WKMT XII Piano Festival?

Our festivals have distinguished themselves from the start by their inclusive nature and unique settings. We were among the first to welcome families and students to events held in London’s historic buildings, ensuring each occasion was professionally recorded and accompanied by a generous offering of drinks and appetizers. This approach to organizing what we might call a “student concert” has redefined expectations, bringing a taste of European cultural tradition to London.

The inspiration behind this came from the concert parties I enjoyed during my youth in Buenos Aires, which showcased the refined side of society. These experiences convinced me that such beauty should be accessible to a broader audience, not just a select few. Driven by this, we aimed to blend architectural elegance with music, fine food, and informative context, celebrating musical achievements in the most rewarding way possible.

You have chosen the historic St Cuthbert’s Church as the location to host this year’s WKMT XII Piano Festival. What inspired you too choose St Cuthbert’s and what piano will be the featured piano?

To be completely transparent, our initial search focused on former stately homes and significant historical townhouses. However, since 2019, the Church has become a key venue for our touring festival. Its selection was influenced primarily by its closeness to our headquarters in West Kensington and the undeniable allure of its interior design. It stands as a masterpiece of Arts and Crafts, showcasing the kind of ornate beauty that England is renowned for. This venue truly is a vessel for the arts and aligns perfectly with the ethos of our festival.

And finally, what do you hope to achieve with this festival?

My unwavering aim has consistently been to champion classical music and foster a community around it, alongside highlighting the invaluable contributions of our two remarkable partners, Markson Pianos and WKMT. This collaborative synergy not only enriches the cultural tapestry of our society but also creates a vibrant platform for musicians, enthusiasts, and students alike to engage, learn, and celebrate the timeless beauty of classical music.

By nurturing this shared space, we hope to ignite a lifelong passion for the arts within individuals, encouraging them to explore, appreciate, and contribute to the musical heritage that binds us. It’s about more than just promoting events; it’s about weaving a rich, inclusive narrative that elevates the role of music in our lives and underscores the profound connection between artistic expression and community spirit. Through our festivals, workshops, and concerts, we aspire to leave a lasting legacy that transcends generations, embodying the spirit of collaboration, excellence, and the sheer joy of classical and academic music.

To find out more about this fantastic upcoming London Music Festival and to book tickets visit: WKMT London Music Festivals (