by Noah Markson | Sep 5, 2013 | Concerts & Events, People, Pianists
“I’ve taught a huge number of private students from aged 7 up to college age from lower level up to concert level. As they approach college age I always told them there were two routes. First, they could try for the biggest names, i.e. Julliard, Curtis, Eastman, and...
by Noah Markson | Jul 17, 2013 | Concerts & Events, People, Pianists
Our first festival took place this year in April and it was fantastic. Financially we did far better than we thought we would and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. We were trying out a brand new venue in the town which was taking a pretty major risk, but it...
by Noah Markson | Jun 25, 2013 | Concerts & Events, People, Pianists, Pianos
“Water has always inspired composers and artists – it has texture and colour, it’s prismatic and vibrant, it catches the light and yet it can obscure the sun. Mist and fog create a sense of mystery and strangeness. For my recital on the 26th of June in the...
by Noah Markson | Apr 22, 2013 | Composer, Concerts & Events, People, Pianists, Pianos
“I was given piano lessons because my brother didn’t practice. This led to my life long love with the piano, and a fascination with playing all types of instruments. I was given a full grant to Chethams school until I was 19. I defected from music for a...
by Noah Markson | Oct 14, 2012 | Concerts & Events, People, Pianists
“PA We’ve been together artistically as a piano duo, and as a couple, for almost twenty years. We met very young, at the studio of our piano teacher. We spend time alone on our parts – sorting out technical details individually, so when we rehearse...