by Noah Markson | Mar 20, 2014 | Markson Pianos
A short excerpt recording of Piano Circus at Markson Pianos in March 2014. Recorded by Sound Engineer Wayne McIntyre. Filmed on a Canon 7D.
by Noah Markson | Sep 11, 2013 | Markson Pianos
Composed by Balakirev Islamey. Performance by concert pianist Grace Francis.
by Noah Markson | Aug 6, 2012 | Markson Pianos
“I got up to Grade VI piano when I was around 16, then I gave it up. I didn’t have the patience to do all the technical training that now, as an adult, I realise you have to do. I started again when I was 40. I’d inherited my mother’s old piano, a little...
by Noah Markson | Jun 13, 2012 | Markson Pianos
“I start with an image in my mind and then I make some words and a melody, the image is like a little seed which then grows. I’ve always been very driven by words so I will create the song around the words. They are my words that come to me from an image. For...
by Noah Markson | Jan 10, 2002 | Markson Pianos
“It was over thirty years ago, I was at art college and we were given a project to design a relief sculpture for a bank and I thought I’d base it on the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra as I’d get lots of drawing practice and I could make something interesting based on...