Yamaha CP300 Portable Stage Piano

The Yamaha CP300 is a professional 88-key digital stage piano suitable for many types of events. Fitted with the renowned Yamaha responsive graded keyboard and advanced Graded Hammer Effect (GHE) action. The Built-in Stereo Speakers are perfect for practice or small gigs or serve as a monitor for larger gigs.

What we like:

  • Portable and user friendly
  • Built-in speakers
  • Includes the portable X-stand and adjustable height stool
  • XLR professional output connectors

Available in Black Satin



Height of 17cm
Depth of 46cm
Width of 139cm

Brands We Stock

We offer an extensive range of new pianos from the top makers of Europe and Asia, with the opportunity to compare model from these manufacturers side by side in person at our spacious central London showroom.